We welcome you to browse the available items below. Items are shown in a list view, highlighting the item Barcode (ID), an image of the item, the name (item tag), the item category, the item condition status (Green or Amber), as well as the quantity available.
–Green Items are fully functioning and fit for use.
–Amber Items are fully functioning and fit for use, but have been listed as amber due to aesthetics*, i.e. these are items that have some staining and need cleaning. *Viewings are recommended for Amber-listed items. Please contact andrea.craig@frcgroup.co.uk / 07961647597 to arrange.
To filter the items, find the filter icon on the top right-hand corner of the navy banner, and use the drop down to filter between the following categories:
–Item Category (Desking, Misc., Seating, Storage, Table)
–Item Subcategories (Bench Desking, Reception Desking, Single Desking, Misc Bins etc)
–Item Status (Green or Amber)
To select an item, hover over the right-hand side of the pane (where the beside barcode ID) and click the square outline to ‘tick’. N.B. you can select multiple items and reserve them on the same request*. Please select the item/ items you would like to enquire about, or contact andrea.craig@frcgroup.co.uk for more details about arranging a viewing or to ask any additional questions.
*Please note- If you have selected a filter, you must reserve items in that filter before continuing to select/ deselect other filters.
If you are interested in reserving an item, please select the item(s) you wish to enquire about, and press reserve. Once you have decided to take the items, they will be reserved and taken off the portal. From here, we will be in touch to arrange a viewing or schedule delivery* depending on your preferences. *For additional information, visit our FAQs page/ section here
If you have any questions or queries, please contact- andrea.craig@frcgroup.co.uk / 07961647597